What is ruining your mental health?
What’s the nicest thing anyone’s said to you during sex?
What movie traumatized you when you were a child?
What's your favourite YouTube channel?
Would you do a threesome?
What's the thing you miss most about life before social media?
What is the greatest fictional character of all time?
Ok be honest ladies… how much do you enjoy anal sex? YAY or NAY?
What's the real reason your friend is still single, even though they have no clue?
If sex is not an option, what activity creates the strongest emotional bond?
What's the most mind-blowing, unexpected way you've ever had an orgasm?
If your life had a narrator, who would you want it to be?
What's a small, quirky thing you do when you masturbate?
What “based on a true story” movie is not a true story at all?
Realistically, what would happen if Fort Knox was audited and a significant portion of the gold reserves were missing?
What would you do?
What is your red flag?
Why do you use Reddit?
What’s the dumbest thing you believed as a kid?
What statement makes you roll your eyes immediately?
What's a money lesson you leardned too late in life?
What you all do, when you feel low?
What is something that is really hated but you love?
Would you date yourself? Why or why not?
Why do we get random songs stuck in our heads, even if we haven't heard them recently?