Please, stop staggering.
Is the Sergeant Rock movie going to have metahumans, or will it be relatively grounded and realistic
How do I counter or defeat this handsome devil?
“No supps” says the fourth person in the lobby to hardlock dps.
James Gunn, I beg of you. Please move Superman to a different release date.
Why is DC so obsessed with Joker when they've got the chad Mr. Mind?
Is shaving just not for me?
Collider's Best Animated Superhero Shows of All Time
I hate them as a couple
Does Marvel still consider Billy Kaplan to be a mutant?
Ness and Lucas
What could’ve been of Marvel’s Fantastic Four
How long will this sub stay silent on the issue of Gunn’s gingercide?! This is erasure of an entire people!
[Comic Excerpt] Damian kills Nightwing. (Injustice gods amongs us #16)
Pervy?!? (Bloodstone #2 2001)
I was the only person in the theater watching BIRDS OF PREY (2020). Ask me all your questions about this movie and why Helena Bertinelli is peak. AMA
Who do you think is Batman’s least favorite son?
How does Nightwing survive this?
Why did Batman lost?
James Gunn directing for DC and Marvel
The more clothes you put on Wonder Woman, the worse her books get
the sad state of redhood fan
Which comic book sub is the most illiterate?
Anyone else feel bad for jason when batman yelled at him infront of jason's polycue?
No way, CBR was based all along???