Rib sticking out
Racist jokes towards each other in an interracial relationship
Happy thieves for time to move on
Old age homes
I want to end my relationship with my Christian friends
What is something that everyone loves to eat, but disgusts you?
21 medical students from Al-Azhar University (Gaza) have arrived in South Africa to complete their studies. Massive thanks to the university of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Please help
Somewhat relatable
I love to hate Twitter
What’s something you thought only you did, until you found out it’s actually pretty common?
I'm a 23M, just maybe looking for advice or reassurance
Can we talk about sports betting ads?
What is racism?
Which bridgerton sibling do you find most intriguing?
Where can I find all the music. etc.
What can I do about witnessing workplace racism?
A cool guide to average female faces by region
Most upvoted characters.
No sreen time. All the plot relevance?
Just straight up evil?
"Mmm.... Society?"
The gremlin?
"Uhhh.... What's your name again?"
The only normal person?