What’s the most awkward moment you’ve had during sex?
What is your biggest regret in life?
What is addicting to you other than drugs and alcohol?
If Death stands at the edge of your bed and says, "Wake up, it's time to go." What would your response be?
So does anyone have something to confess?
So this guy was definitely on creatine for this, right?
Is this gay dating?
Who hates Christmas?
Plz help I need to identify this quad
What song??
Suprise! You have slept with the main character of the last tv show you watched. How (un)happy are you?
What’s a smell that instantly makes you feel good?
What can you only admit anonymously?
how to respond to “why are you gay”?
The last thing you bought is now your weapon in a 100 person brawl. How do you make out?
Who do you WISH would run for the President of America?
What is an example of something that’s both low quality and expensive?
what are some ' guy secrets ' girls don't know about ?
What's the saddest song you know?
What is a simple thing that makes you happy?
SO is against communal showers
I crossed the intersection perpendicular to a school bus stopping - Do you think I’ll get a ticket?
Help! Puppy is a land shark
If you could telephathically say something to all 8 billion people on earth, what would you say?
What word/phrase annoys you the second you hear it? Why?
if you were able to chose a song to play as you quit your job, what would it be?