[PC][WTS] New arcane R5
[PC] [Q] [Riven] What are these rivens worth?
[PSN][RIVEN][PRICE CHECK] Can someone please help me price check this. I've been trying to sell forever but it doesn't sell
[WTS] [PS5] [PC]
[PSN][RIVEN][price check] reroll?
[PSN][RIVEN][Price Check][WTS] anku riven I've been Tryna get rid of for a while. Send offers in comments
[PSN][RIVEN][PRICE CHECK][WTS] Ik the incarnon has an inate heat aspect so would I be better off rereolling it or selling it as is because I kinda need plat
[PC][WTS] Offers?
[PSN][RIVEN][Price Check] ik it has forced status proc on slam so would this need rerolling or could it sell for a decent price like this?
[PSN][RIVEN][PRC] ik this is primarily a slash weapon with decently high status so I should reroll right?
Must play ps5 games for newcomer?
[Q] [PC] [Riven] Which is the best to keep for now?
[PSN][RIVEN][Price Check] Does the -range hurt slam builds?
[PSN][RIVEN][PRC] just rolled this and it looks decent especially cause of the 26% base status but is it viable or reroll?
[PSN][RIVEN][PRC] managed to roll this semi-god roll and want to see how much it could sell for
[PSN][RIVEN][PRICE CHECK] could the neg be balanced out with 60/60 mods or reroll?
[PC][RIVEN][WTS] New to Riven, can you give me an estimate, someone is offering 150
[PC] [RIVEN] How much can I sell this for?
[Q][PC] How much is it worth?
[PSN][RIVEN] Does the neg kill it or is it manageable?
[PSN] [RIVEN] [PRC] does the neg kill it?
[PSN][Riven][PRC] Does the - Stat duration kill the element positives?
Question. If I have a Nezha as the progenitor for the Tenet Cycrom does it have 2 seperate heat stats or does it stack?
[PSN][RIVEN][PRICE CHECK] I'm curious on how much this would do
[PSN] [WTS] [RIVEN] Just need some plat for some arcanes and prime parts