ipod 5.5 sounds like its comprest to shit when headphone jack pushed to the left
iPod 5.5 audio becomes muffled when pushing left on aux cable
Buying iclicker
Stat 410 vs ECE 313
wrong place buddy
where to cop?
Need help deciding a car for college
Mentorship Monday - Post All Career, Education and Job questions here!
Do I need certs even though I'm getting a degree?
ECE or CE with cybersecurity
Textbook free trials
Meta Glasses
Conrad’s is closed?
Looking for a book
Got an Email Saying that I have been enrolled in IIT instead of UIUC from Coursera
Best date spot?
Easy Class for 1 Credit Hour
Gganbu style
What would happen if I gutted one console, and put in various PC and other console parts?
Whats the craziest dare you did or seen someone do in a game of Truth or Dare?
we need cupids @ uiuc🌹
Transferring from ChemEng into Grainger
Safe places to go alone?