I made a how to muscle up video. Maybe some of you will find some useful tips
Jõulinnakud Tallinnas, Pärnus, Tartus ja Narvas
Cali training and some good books
25kg ring muscle up
+75kg chinup
Build muscle with calisthenics. Long form video. THE BAR
10 pull ups-10 muscle ups-10 dips
Muscle ups-dips-pull ups
One arm head to bar pulls
This is the hardest set I’ve ever completed! The 9 climb
Max muscle ups with 10kg
5 quick calisthenics routines with minimal equipment
Deck of cards calisthenics workout
50 muscle ups in 10 minutes
Give this set a try. Can you reach 8 reps?
A challenge for more advanced cali athletes
A challenge for more advanced athletes on this sub
First pic 3 years ago. Second pic now
Im reading Preacher and came across this
Gory and gruesome murder books
The long awaited shelf is up
King gets his own shelf in the middle
It's time
Found a perfect accessory for the book