Mediziner für Chronische oder Schwer zu diagnostizierende Krankheiten
Entwicklung: VKA
Notarzt-Hospitation/Praktikum als Assistenzarzt möglich?
Cemetery statue I’m painting on black paper. Is it looking good?
Is anesthesiology right for me? Do you feel like a doctor?
Lactoferrin seems to help quite a bit for me. A little over a month into trying. Has reduced my opioid pain med use.
Triggers: does quantity over time matter?
Is this a serious salary for Northern California?
Neustart oder Durchziehen? Hilfe aus der Sinnkrise.
Fachrichtung wechseln/ Alternativen zur Medizin?
Second guessing my specialty choice. What would you do?
Any other EM residents regretting it big time?
UPDATE: Sondierungsergebnis VKA Tarifverhandlungen
Ist diese Erfahrung beim Händler normal oder reagiere ich über?
Being in surgical residency now, would you still apply and do it again?
Meinung zu unserem Verdienst - Marburger Bund macht was draus
PSA: please stop ordering troponins for people without any sign or symptom of ischemia. -signed a very tired cardiology fellow
What is the lore of the lost towers why are people sunbathing?
Hoooo boy, people who didn't convert their exalts before the weekends are going to log in shocked
Hängen eure Pakete gerade auch beim IPZ in Frankfurt ?
Simple Sewing Questions Thread, December 22 - December 28, 2024
Sewing a coat - where to find a similar pattern?
Fish eating another fish causing it's eye to pop out.
Goggles 3 compatible with o3 Air Unit - but forced to use DJI fpv remote controller 3?
Hey guys, we did leave the black hole right here.....right?