Causing pc to freeze
Arthur in Blackwater on the opposite side... kinda
Me in my 3rd replay after forcing some sick farmer to pay for his debt
Raiden mei>>>>
New player here, can someone explain the rating system? Apparently murdering everything in 3 seconds is a B?
Which one should i get?
Are these starter bundles good or worth it?
2 minute meme
I'm trying my best to retain exalted abyss when there's lightning weather, and since pretty much everyone has a maxed out HoT and I don't, I just wanted to hear any critique/ advice that you guys could give me to get a better score on BKE. Thanks!
Someone yeeted my armada
I didn’t expect to obtain this on a focused supply (this was the focused supply with Valkyrie Gloria’s late game equipment.)
Nah I will choose night
Gustav TM , Newton B and 11th sacred Pri is waiting
I love the new costume smile.
When Spotify syncs up with your gameplay
Lots of gems.. what do I use them for?
Just a week ago I got HoV on my first FS pull. Now I got her on my third pull. Too bad it was 1 am when it happened coz I wanted to scream so bad. I just can't believe it
Why are less people using key of castigation for HOT
Me before and after watching Bunny girl senpai
Who else gets freaked out when this pops up in the loading screen
Finally got her outfit even though I don't have her battlesuit yet. :)
Durandal was the only one that survived (First time posting here!)
I certainly did