The tension headache sufferers dream work station😅
Are there any confocal microscopy resources for learning how to understand what you're seeing or identify certain structures in the cell?
I’m looking for my next obsession, any recommendations?
What are your hopes for the future of weed?
What is your go-to meal when absolutely nothing sounds good?
What’s a skincare/acne product that if someone recommends it, you’re convinced they’ve never actually used it cause it’s just that bad
Jfilechooser not working after update - does anyone know how to fix this?
David Attenborough's #1 fans
Whose cats love to watch nature documentaries?
What is your favorite snack?
Shows to fall asleep to?
LPT How Can I start Studying?
Any good price trackers for Shein?
the gal pal’s gift for me for valentine’s day <3
Frequent headaches
In the hospital and need to pick a name quick
drug use at night shifts.
What is the best font to use for professional figures/articles/presentations? Wrong answers only.
What do I do im unkissable
[Acne] Healthy spray that kills bacteria on pillows
Formal party tonight..what to do?
How to make a new brush from a cloned line? Or something functionally similar?
What’s your favorite TV show 📺 to have on in the background while you work💼?
How to prevent makeup getting on your shirt?
Is there any way to jerry-rig a grow light to make it more blue instead of warm toned?