Bust A Move - Final Project - This was CS50!
Working with Classes in React (NOT React Class components)
Tarkov Loadouts - randomizer companion web app [Discussion]
[0 YoE, Unemployed, Web Dev/SWE, US] Career change from finance into tech, along with a pretty substantial gap in employment. Looking for pointers on my resume to target entry level positions in the New York Metro Area (if those even exist anymore).
Simple Express+Typescript boilerplate repo
My Boss Wouldn't "let" me go home to deal with a burst pipe, so I left
Drops of Chocolate - Gangnam Style [Lounge/Funk] (2013)
DDDD - Will We See A Second Great Lockdown?
Admission of States to the US: 1787 - 1959 [OC]
Mind Destroying Animation
PSA: De-activate the new Razer Chroma option in DOOM's settings. It causes frame pacing issues.
[PC] [NA] Need 2 for Trials
LF1M trials PC NA post btag below
[PC]LF5M Raid Lair
[PC] [NA] LF1M Leviathan Normal Mode
[PC] [NA] LFG Trials
[PC][NA] LF1M Trials
My current bank gives me trouble trying to buy through Coinbase - any workarounds?
[PC] LF4M Fresh Leviathan Raid
[PC] NA LFG flawless trials run
[PC] US LF2M trials
[PC] LF1M Trials
[PC][NA] LF2M Raid from Dogs 270+ Chill Discord Required
Need 1 more for Raid PC NA
[PC][EU]LF2M Arms Dealer Quest