What film would have failed with any other actor?
M/18/5'9"[115<160=45lbs] | 12 months
God tier opprotunity, not ready
Has anyone transitioned from 100% commission?
I need help!! Kuch nahi hora
How to use 2 bluetooth audio output devices simultaneously on windows 11
Anyone here in investment sales?
Why aren’t actors drop dead gorgeous anymore 😭
Hi! I'm Raghu. Here to chat. AMA interesting.
Mana vs RepHunter?
For those who're (really) making + or - $500K/year...
HVAC residential/commercial
Which sector of sales will boom in 25?
The Impacts of Online Racism and stereotypes against Indians (Thanks to Twitter/X) have started to spill over into real life. Overseas Indians, please take care.
What makes a great salesperson?
What type of visa should I apply for?
Does anyone know if Airbnb Arbitrage meet E-2 Visa requirements?
A random woman gave a guy the finger & spewed hate while he was out for a walk at Erb/Avondale
I hate to say this, but does anybody have any advice on how to do sales with Indian/middle eastern people?
381 to 211 lb. - 2 year recomp - 31 y.o.
In your opinion, which actor plays the same character in every movie he/she’s in?
Im a 29yr old entrepreneur. If this post helps even just 1 person then it was worth writing it
Tea about Mira Rajput
Salespeople, what topics would you like to see talked about more regarding sales?