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Should I break up with my girlfriend?
What's a kink that many people have but you find disgusting?
I Quit Social Media
Do birthdays just get worse and worse as we age?
How would you design this?
Anyone know what happened here?
Anyone know why my reclaim looks like this?
What show did you stop watching because of a single episode and why?
What’s your go-to solo date to spend time with yourself?
What's a TV Show theme that you never skip?
Help Freedom Fraud
Help Freedom Mobile Fraud
I thought my teapot was looking pretty snazzy- until I looked at it from above. Rip 😔
Giveaway Time! It's been too long since I've done this: Pick a number 1-5000.
Which singer do you like literally ALL of their songs, no exceptions?
euthanizing my lifelong cat tomorrow and i don’t know how to cope.
Using my first bowl for the first time
Favourite restaurant in Berlin?
What are you proud of your self for?
Not sure what to think of this glaze but not afraid to share
Is staying friends with ex possible?
What is something you are learning in your spare time currently?
Is it more expensive to raise a girl or a boy?
What provider is the best for a canada gap year?