what's one thing (nsfw or sfw) that you will take to the grave, but can tell internet strangers?
AI rapping game
I’m sorry what???
Your favorite throwaway line
What should I do with all my prismatic shards?
Is my manager being racist?
what is this and how do i remove it??
This episode was genuinely peak
Trump is now allying with _____ for more votes
do y'all have a physical "type"?
What are y'alls farm names?
Uni or defer? :(
Students starting their first year in September... what are you most excited for? And what are you dreading?
Girl tips for staying safe while at uni
what is one piece of advice you swear by for uni?
My 2 y.o. ruined the game for me
alyx still missing
what happened here???? lmao
lost cat advice
What TV show got canceled that you’re still mad about?
what are your FAVOURITE lesbian movies/shows?
Where to download the game now?
What’s a turn on for people but a turn off for you?
Which sim expansion pack is your favorite and why?