Those who refuse to buy certain brands, what brand(s) are they and why?
Are there any people in South Africa who are single by choice?
Hotel in Thailand offering travel insurance at no additional cost: Legit or Scam?
Oom en tannie I saw today ❤️
Where to find friends?
Credit Card Cashback
I’ll have 10k to invest soon. Where should i invest it in?
Why can’t we be sober?
What are some of your favourite (preferably SA) love songs?
Annoying neighbor
Felony charge with 0 evidence
Provident fund withdrawl
I received R700k can I get some advice?
What got "ruined" by the internet?
Meter Replacement Project
Where can I find movie-style butter salt?
Hello european here. I'm truly troubled that many of my comrads have develloped hatred against Africa, we should not fight we should unite
What’s your favorite type of biltong? Due to the seriousness of the situation, I'll come out and say that sticks definitely are superior. Try and convince me otherwise....
Travel to RSA for major dental work?
Has anyone found a legit side hustle?
Furniture from temu import tax furniture
Life Insurance
Places to buy super wax material in Cape Town?
Can I still claim the SARS travel allowance if i don’t have a picture of my odometer on the 1st of March 2024?