Beat jokerless with high card
Dusk City! Reminds how tech is far from the only thing dictating the difficulty.
Update: These are currently the top 10 jokers as rated by the community; see the full ranking and submit your own from the links in the replies!
i tried to make a balanced early to mid game Joker
What is a terraria weapon that is heavily slept on in your opinion
Is it worth getting the handgun for the phoenix blaster?
[Insert temperature here] take: these kinds of nerfs feel like Whack a Mole
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What's your favourite R word?
Can someone recommend me a beginner mod?
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ark of the cosmos is awesome though
I can't have a single second of peace
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guys can you help me crystal serpent or sky fracture, which one is better?
Game thinks this is just one big joke huh.
TIL: If you have the buff from Echo Form and use an attack as your first card, but the enemy dies from the first hit of the attack, the buff doesn't get triggered and the next card you play will be doubled.
What is this
Normal mode beaten!
saw this gem on an old thread
Man i just want to find some ice skates
Is it OK to have a favorite common card? One that you will 99% take over any other choice?
I'm really struggling to get to the heart.