Welche Kennzeichen sind in Eurer Gegend als schlechte Autofahrer bekannt?
What line from a any song would you put on your gravestone?
Was ist DAS Lied eurer Jugend?
Was ist eure go-to-Mahlzeit wenns schnell gehen muss?
My fifth and final letter – unsent, but I think you know.
What’s become clear to you as you’ve gotten older?
Q&A weekly thread - February 10, 2025 - post all questions here!
I am not what my mother wanted in a daughter
German vs. English: Literal equivalence, but opposite meanings
Q&A weekly thread - February 03, 2025 - post all questions here!
Do people typically live every day of their lives with no pain?
Welche kleine Veränderung in eurem Gesundheitsverhalten hatte eine große Auswirkung?
Wie würde der Untertitel euren Autobiografie lauten?
Is it possible to love someone, but not trust them?
best cars to buy used?
Twentysomething Hometown Blues
[OT] What would your alias be if I were to write about you?
The bird-equivalent of a squirrel is a robin. The fish-equivalent is a molly. Can't explain it. Any other examples?
What are your thoughts on multiple POV?
What would your alias be if i were to write about you?
What would your alias be if I were to write about you?
What parts of your body do you find most and least aesthatically pleasing?