Stop, bagi aku shitpost dalam gallery korang.
How was your weekend everyone ?
Gash aku tak Tau lakk!!
Lagu untuk orang yang tengah broken
Shall I leave this country...
Which one is better?
Give me your epic peribahasa
give me a hard username for ziqri
POV- You open your fridge to this
Secara jelasnya.
Do as said below
sape nak join rombongan ke johor 🗣️🗣️⁉️⁉️⁉️
Taste like a shit
Hantarkanku sampah yang paling top dalam sub ini
Not paying the loan more than 1 year, proceed to burn the motorcycle.
Mange punya lah besar
Tidur kat belakang
Finally Got Prime-d
You are his lawyer, defend him in galactic Court
Budak Zaman sekarang takde pengamalan kene belasah
What childhood fear that is still haunting you guys, even years later? For me its the fear of heights.
I come from the future
Apakah patut kita namakan si kancil ini