Volvo pls attach PA cape from new Spring treasure.
Team Spirit: Dota is dying
Volvo actually doesn't care anymore. Monkey bug has been there for how long?
I found this on facebook about the new Patch
Back to staging, Thursday patch day?
Guys, I have not played the game since just before Kez released.
Crownfall ultra rares are still not marketable! Bloodfeather Flock too!
Crownfall was nice, but this was on another level.
"Big Update Coming" - I knew the update would be about ending the Crownfall.
PSA: Crownfall ends Feb 6 so spend all your coins and finish your remaining progress
When is the new Patch valve?
Remember when Dota 2 invented this and every game followed
If you could describe Dota in one word,
Queen of Pain
About the new treasure
The Charms of the Snake
help with tokens
Hello guys, moving to dota from fifa tomorrow
Is there any ways to get more candy?
Keep Religion Out of Dota 2
Valve don’t forget to release new Sets for Dota plus with treasures
What is your rating for the Crownfall ?
Dota 2 Workshop Spring 2025 Call-to-Arms
sor we get new event?