Anybody solo travel and NOT stay in hostels?
Pls explain to me, why a dumper cant feel remorse in your eyes?
I thought I lost my loml. Today I realized, that there are days I dont even think about him anymore at all.
How long did it take you to get over your ex after no contact?
I am over him! And I dont want him back. I am in a new relationship again and its simply beautiful 🥹❤️
I did write a letter to him and its a final goodbye. I dont regret it.
Life is full of unexpected turns and twists. (I am the dumper).
This can only go two ways. A new hello or a final goodbye from me as well…
She broke contact
I hate my birthday so damn much, because its without him.
The third couple who went back after years and is marrying now. I feel so sick…
So how do you want to receive a message from your dumpee?
Give them a chance !
Please help me to understand! Why do most people dont want an apology from the dumpee?
Writing about him is changing my life.
Why did you guys break up?
What can I do against those dreams,help!
What are some things your ex did and you still stayed for?