US : A bill has been introduced to the Minnesota legislature in which “verbal expressions of intense hostility toward President Donald J. Trump” are indicative of “a mental illness that is serious enough to require prompt intervention.”
What's one thing a therapist has said to you that you will never forget?
A bill has been introduced to the Minnesota legislature in which “verbal expressions of intense hostility toward President Donald J. Trump” are indicative of “a mental illness that is serious enough to require prompt intervention.”
Experiences heating with natural gas in NB
Emergency Alert - Thurs Feb 6th 730am
Stardew Valley 1.6.15 is now available on PC, Android, and iOS. Via CA
[OC] GIVEAWAY! We’re giving away the complete Giants of the North digital 5e collection! (~CAD$200 value) Just leave a comment! (Full rules in the comments)
What's a simple word that people keep mispronouncing?
The "March", Moncton
The "March", Moncton.
Someone local selling their special collection of various salt and pepper shakers...
What’s one topic you should learn more about to help you live a more fulfilling life?
I’m nervous that my fiancé might cheat on me.
inconsistent latch + dead battery + "open tailgate"?
What’s a harsh reality that everybody needs to hear?
Hey Redditors! What has being a parent taught you?
Absurdly large Bananas
Apple for scale
Rich people of reddit who married someone with significantly less money, what was the most surprising thing you learned about your partner's way of life before you?
Dr Pepper is one of the worst drinks to exist
Why do YOU love Keanu Reeves?
Weird kids from high school, what are you doing now?
Boyfriend doesn-t want to come over - EVER