Intercal, while clearly superior in safety, performance, and ergonomics to languages like C, has struggled to break into the commercial market (likely because worse is better).
Good design is aesthetic UNIX threw away clear, long-form command forms and kept short, cryptic abbreviations like "cat" (short for "felis cattus") and "wc" (short for "toilet"). Its C library helpfully abbreviates "create" as "creat", because vowels are expensive.
This is similar to how you would pass arguments to a program in a shell script: some-program arg1 arg2 arg3 Except in PowerShell it looks worse: Start-Process -FilePath some-program.exe -ArgumentList "arg1","arg2","arg3"
In this dream, I had a conversation with Steve Jobs about product design
Another example is jq. I use it occasionally, and ChatGPT handles the syntax pretty well. For me, learning it properly just isn’t worth the time or effort.
Can't say I've ever felt rewarded for using Kubernetes, literally or metaphorically.
To replicate the issue, I have searched in the Bard about this vulnerability... even though this information is not released yet on the internet... I was able to easily craft the exploit based on the information available. Remove this information from the internet ASAP!!!!
they require you to change your ways to such an extent that you would be unable to contribute to cURL anymore and all your work, except for compatibility work would be obsolete (it technically has been... for a long time; are lucky that almost everyone on this planet is incompetent).
I'm sure this is some kind of fallacy, but I feel I quite often see ostensibly impressive small side projects like this written in simple plain languages like C (or here COBOL). Every similar, e.g., Rust project I see seems almost non-functional despite having 10x the SLOC.
It’s my view that at:// will be a scheme that is as ubiquitous and important as http:// in a few years.
process.stdout and process.stderr differ from other Node.js streams in important ways: 2. Writes may be synchronous depending on what the stream is connected to and whether the system is Windows or POSIX. These behaviors are partly for historical reasons... but they are also expected by some users.
But what stops Linux from succeeding is - Linux. Any time the desktop shows a glimmer of success, the nerds get scared, afraid they will lose their hallowed underdog status, and subconsciously make everything worse again, perpetuating the dependency and the cool-nerd club status.
The default built target is a help text instead of just building the project... Looks like a classic case of "don't ship -Werror because compiler warnings are unpredictable"... On a final note, despite the name BoringSSL is huge library that takes a surprisingly long time to build.
Another app that demands my dick pics (storage permission) and refuses to work without
Nix solves this as a byproduct (as it does with many things) of its design.
Anyway, every attempt at replacing it with modern long term software has failed, and a big part of the reason is because people have forgotten how to write code which isn’t infected with all sorts of OOP bullshit.
const PRECOMPUTED_PROBABILITY_THESHOLD = [ 9.313225746154785e-10, 1.862645149230957e-9, 3.725290298461914e-9, 7.450580596923828e-9, 1.490116119384765e-8, 2.980232238769531e-8, 5.960464477539063e-8, 1.192092895507812e-7, 2.384185791015625e-7, 4.76837158203125e-7, 9.5367431640625e-7, ...
Streamline existing pipelines with up to 50% less YAML/JSON [an absolute disaster when my KPIs include lines committed]
None of these are a problem anymore since the advent of Nix.
I cannot launch cruise missiles. Since my current $day_job is Haskell programming, I won’t even do it by accident.
When nanoid is called with a fractional value, there were a number of undesirable effects: in browser and non-secure, the code infinite loops on while (size--)
Like most folks in the industry, we started migrating incrementally by repeatedly clicking a button in the Intellij IDE... Even null-safe Java throws NPEs sometimes
it took me a while to figure out that the article is about “handling errors in clojure in an idiomatic way” and not “error prone clojure code that gets written so often it can be considered idiomatic”
Though running as a 32-bit application on a 64-bit machine gives us extra memory for Discord, we occasionally still hit the limit, causing errors or even crashes.
Focus on unit testing if your goal is to increase code coverage. Focus on integration and regression testing if you want test coverage.