I have 2 cats but only that one stays like that with her tongue out... does anyone know why?
Long term coffee storage for preppers ?
Train staff casually disposing trash right outside a running train
Smacked a cockroach to death. This came out of its butt
People who have owned their grinder 5+ years, which one do you own, and if you would upgrade, what to?
Seattle subreddit doing their own red scare lol
Jesse Lacey Eastside Bowl Poster Giveaway!
Coffee shops in Helsinki
US Roasters with half caff options that do subscription/delivery?
8 year old setup still going strong!
Astoria Super Jolly grinder [$100]
Should I buy this?
Buzzing noise on my Giotto Cronometro V
BECU members BEWARE!!!
[USA - The Gents Store] Scored 2 bags of Onyx for free (well, $10 in shipping + tax)
Priority One! This Is Our Chance to Get Pi Listed on Binance!
Why are users so condescending here?
E61 weird noises [Rocket Appartamento]
Got my SPO Scatter Olive Embody today. Really excited to start using it!
Kirkland coffee?
Is this a normal puck? [Rocket boxer mazzer]
[xpost] Dear espresso machine, it’s over
Roast beans for personal use
Church tithe platform?
Why is coffee from Japan expensive and rice from Japan cheap?