C'est même écrite dans le langue Français
[Real] He couldn’t find a construction hat that fit?
Devrions-nous accueillir les scientifiques largués par les coupures de Musk?
Man shot by his dog
Well well well
PSA: This is a garbage can. It's where your trash and dog shit goes when you're done with it. Notice how sidewalks, alleys, and parks are actually not at all garbage cans
What the f*ck is this?
Turns out the blonde who called for xenophobic nationalism is a CANADIAN.
Denji no!
Lost my auger in the pond :(
I found this is in Chile on Google Maps (And Yes, i charged the battery of My phone)
What's your favorite mistranslation that gives you away as an Anglo in Quebec?
Years to be exact
I didn't know that either
Good thing she didn't have a "high capacity" magazine
Why does my m1 garand filled with batteries 🔋???
Quand ton alcoolisme est plus important que la défence économique de ton pays.
Arnie was so great in Star Wars
You’ve got to be kidding me😭
Reddit will warn users who repeatedly upvote banned content
Tough crowd
Didn’t know Dan had a doctorate
Found this at my granny's
(Real) Crowder is TRIGGERED, needs a safe space.
Police man in Paris had an interesting badge