Good place to park Bitcoin?
Extending Hydrogen/improving eMPG tips
Late fee?!
Charging & payment issue
Toyota reduces price of new hydrogen car in California to just over $15,000 — with $15,000 of free fuel
Got scammed with a GPU without cores
Where is the service center for RMA?
Process engineer vs equipment engineer
Mint mobile offer 40gb for 15 per moth for a year total of $180🙈😳
Good school with smaller house vs okay school with bigger house
Best introductory Semiconductors Textbook
Laggy CarPlay
Im a former Recruiting Executive. Ask me anything.
Applied Materials Process Engineer New Grad Interview
Hydrogen tank truck
Interviews turn into casual convos
Should I tell the recruiter?
I have a phd in CS; I'm terrible at leetcode
US Mobile vs Visible
Phd in Material science (thin film) can't seem to catch a break in job search.
Apple carplay has been laggy
Considering a Toyota Mirai in the Bay Area – Thoughts on Hydrogen Stations?
Got 400 miles on one tank
2009 Corolla S with 300K miles for $4K as a second car. Can I buy it?