Cute cat trying to help with work
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Dad confronts son's bully 🤬😡😤
Who wants 1000 robux
gf appreciation post
coz of the nose ring? lol
I have 200 evader orbs if anyone is looking for trades
Which one is the bestu
I love my banana wife
Picture of what my Aunt sent me😫🙏 (yes its inspired by teh guy from pintrest.)
What is the best way to fet consistant food?
What is this on my chicken nuggets? I made them myself, i bit it and i noticed it was smthn black
low blood platelets
Who calls you everyday to make sure you're okay?
The streak is crazy…
Any trades? I need High Tidings Dragon
Best vip family rankings and for their rarity
Looking for alliance
just wondering
Who is the best legend dragon
Average Flame Masters Matchup 💀💀
I love mi hoosband
I need help finding an alliance name
i love my bf