One of the ski-stoppers is bent causing right ski to rest at angle - is this an issue?
I played black and was hopelessly lost, but tried a desperado move with Kf8 hoping opponent goes for the one losing move and to my shock they did!
Unable to do Backdoor ROTH conversion for 2024
Would love some feedback and what I should focus on
Magnus responds to accusations of match-fixing
A great book that reveals how reasonable (or unreasonable) we are with money
Is late checkout guaranteed with Guest of Honor?
Unable to do backdoor Roth conversion (been a week since IRA transfer)
Cash parking Rio Celeste
Vail Resorts reports drop in Epic Pass purchases
Purifying Crystal tear without Yura questline?
Booked hotel through Chase portal with points, CC charged anyway at checkout
Paris Itenerary please advise
r/fattravel top 50
Bluetooth headphones for two people to listen to the same book across the house
Will Advanced Voice Mode (when released) be compatible with RAG?
What should I experience in Kauai aside from the beaches?
Ski recommendations for wife (intermediate skier)
Second opinion on Curated rec
I started playing chess in Feb of 2023, and I just broke through 1000 for the first time. Next stop 1100!
Intermediate Skier - First pair of skis (Rent vs buy a deal question)
Help picking ski length for first pair of skis
Ikon vs Epic for intermediate skiers in Bay Area