Always nauseous? 🤢
Recently had two stain glass panels made. Posting a pic of one. What does this design look like? Thoughts please?
What would you put in this planter?
AITA for "forcing" my child to eat breakfast?
Are bells useless now?
Made a little trinket dish for my football loving dad!
Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Complete - Camper Card Megathread
Janaury releases
AITAH for not selling my things to help pay for bills?
Which actor improved so much over their career that their early work is unrecognizable?
WIBTA for filing a federal complaint against my university over Spanish class discrimination?
Just checked my 3 move starting moving plots… they gave me 3 ducks 😅(ive never had ducks on previous islands so they must be compensating for that😂😂)
is happy home paradise worth it??
Is recusal warranted here?
Timothée Chalamet instagram story 12/21/24
How Do I Meet People In This City?
What is this and can I put furniture against the wires?
Wife was terminated
How can I get politically involved?
The fashion seen on the light rail is something else
Help! Old Warped Cross-stitch
Dominic Sessa photographed by Ethan Benavidez for the Los Angeles Times
Do you have habits that can be seen as giveaways you’re from another state?
AITA for telling my daughter not to come home for the holidays?