I found someone's handmade pony OC while working at goodwill. It was thrown away.
There are no shoes that big.
Anybody know how to stop the liquid from wiggling?
Little known fact
Put these two in a room for 1 hour, what will happen next?
Am I going crazy?
This. Just this.
The MLP movie hella tried to warn us about fascism, and now the US is going through exactly the same thing. is anybody else gonna talk about this?
My little sister likes MLP. Her favourite character is Apple Bloom so I got her this cake. What do you think?
How did the Crystal Empire 'vanish'?
Why cant Ember tell the difference? Is she racist?
Did anyone notice how different the G4 intro song in season 1 was? Twilight sounded like she was squeezing her nose. None of the other seasons have this
Why didn't Starlight teleported only Chrysalis like she did with Discord?
This subreddit lately.
I don't know about you, but I've always found this detailed Trixie from No Second Prances pretty uncanny.
Is Queen Chrysalis' crown a part of her body or is it a separate thing?
be friendly
A latina with her white boyfriend going around robbing places? Where have I seen that before.
How do I make an accurate adoptable?
Why do I always see camera’s but never a TV?
Why does rainbow dash always flies when she is walking with her friends or alone?
Is there a way to fix this rarity?
I must be seeing things..
Getting cutie mark make you literally one trick pony