Best gas for transition period in Europe?
After years of faultless service as my sidearm, she’s had a makeover with maybe more small parts to come…..last pic is of my yet to be fielded.
Any phantomleaf lovers here?
What's your favorite rifle?
What’s The Best Place to Buy IR Patches?
How do I increase FPS??
Tm hi capa 4.3 or Novritsch ssp2?
In the sea of multicam, what does reddit think about ranger green?
Filling mags that aren’t empty
Before and after. Long or short? Loud or silent?
What's the consensus on VFC vs GHK Glocks?
Does this model come with an npas?
360° cams are the best
Average GWOT ahh loadout (post urs as well)
Yet another GHK AUG in its natural habitat
Why do you all dislike G36s so much?!
Opinions on KWA Beretta APX RDO?
Camo/Color Combination for this FCPC V5 ?
More power and accuracy?
Should I be able to do this with my bucking?
Villian Era
My collection so far
Canted sight reccomendations (gbbr)
Should I replace my bolt carrier on my vfc mp7 with a clutch precision steel bolt carrier?