Early JT ETB Pulls
Almost zero new players wandering around?
Teaser from Samuel’s X post
Damn, can't use KP on members skills anymore if not subscribed
Brighter Shores | Fen Research - AMA
To the people currently not playing the game, what update are you waiting for?
Gower news re updates!
What QoL features would you like implemented before focus is put on content?
Suggestion: Feedback Portal / Email Address
I'm ready for EP 5
Santa hat
Potential Bleakholm Crags (Ep 6) Loading Screen
Stonemaw Hill loading screen
Profession-Based Outfits would be cool
Concept Inventory/Toolbelt merged and potions moved to Toolbelt
Ok soooo how about.... PLAYER HOUSING
Aren’t you excited for the future?
Todays patch notes
Player Homes
It's been 4 years
About to be locked out of Activision account
Launch Comms: Gear Up. Full Equipment, Perks, Scorestreaks Confirmed!
They added 100+ cosmetic unlocks to the armory
Space Marines 2 40K CDKEYS
Handling BP XP on Zombies