A'm I being spied?
NBA SGPx 30% Boost
Savage Mutt (prof, NG, knife only, no unlocks)
Friend thinks I'm cheesing, cuz moonveil
Definitely one of the worst bosses in the game.
what are your favourite weapons to use in an elden ring sl1?
What is the funniest way somebody has said "they have to go jack off" you've heard?
Did the chewing noises in ads and popular social media sounds increase drastically those past years ?
If you could merge two animals to create the ultimate Apex predator, what would you choose?
People with medical conditions who live in the states, how difficult is it to pay for all those doctor’s appointments and medications?
Any tips for fire giant rl1 wl0?
Does anyone have tips for malenia?
I want a feature on here anybody fw it?
Help with Margit
Voice Chat is So Quiet
Can you put Cold Affinity on Cragblade AoW?
I just made a new save and the erdtree is already on fire
Where my rap niggas at ?
Annoying fucking bear traps dude.
Be brutally honest 1-10
This is when I switch games
music discovery
what does it smell like?
Issue with Wi-Fi only on this device (nitro acer 5)
send yours songs ill listen to em