What is this new button layout RobTop 🙏💔
HQMY just verified every end!
What is your worst death?
Which path do you take in Magma Bound? I personally find blue easier.
Guess the level from its 3D recreation pt2
I got 48 on Codependence solo! Finally broke through the barrier that is the end of dual 3 but I still have a long way to go
What assymmetric dual combination is the hardest to make gameplay with or the hardest to play
That's 2 demons within half a year.
Does this guy have a name?
Which gamemode is your favorite?
Is this possible?
What should we name him 🤔
Megahack is a virus guys, watch out!!
Fun fact: Seels has beat Aquamarine but not Nine Circles..
What is the strangest thing yall have seen in Geometry Dash?
Does the new event level not have a vault code?
I am trying too hard
How many levels do you have to hack to get to this many stars
Let's go 1000 stars
How do I balance this properly? (Read Desc)
I just beat Speed Racer as a new player any suggestion for an harder level i can beat next?
LET'S SETTLE THIS. Which spike type do you use/prefer?
Noob at editor wants to know how to use the move trigger
What rating would this get?
What should be my first extreme demon?