Are there guys who don’t thirst for women online?
What’s your experience with ICL eye surgery?
Am I overreacting by breaking up with my boyfriend over these texts?
I (M21) got upset at my GF (F21) for only being physically intimate to her what she wants and completely banning sex for long periods of time. AITa?
this guy I'm dating masturbates while I'm in bed/asleep, should I be concerned?
AIO? I got upset my boyfriends friend sent him pictures of her dildos
You've become a new Lord in Westeros and any castle is yours to claim, Which one do you pick and why?
13 and 16 years old dating
How do I get a bf when I’m an ugly girl
AIO For wanting to end a relationship for what I found on his phone?
Do you believe the saying "Once a cheater, always a cheater" ?
AIO - i broke off my very happy 2 year relationship over a lie.
AIO? Parents want me to babysit my 18 year old sister when I don’t have much spare time.
My husband whistled at me
AIO My girlfriend angrily grabbed my face
What is the largest age gap you'd consider?
Fråga till alla KVINNOR: Vad är det sjukaste du hört på en dejt?
Nollning på Linköpings universitet. Värt det?
is it weird to date a girl younger than me?
Will you date anyone that loves with thier parents?
Am I overreacting ? Is my girlfriend cheating on me ?
AITA for refusing my girlfriends request of peeing sitting down in our home
Has anybody gotten better relatively quickly?
What stopped you from killing yourself?
Which dress as a wedding guest? Green, gold, or blue?