Which careers don't care about the major of your bachelor's and just want you to have a degree, no matter the subject?
Discontinued candies you miss?
Where do you buy business casual work clothes for women? Especially if you are short.
What game are you playing on this?
I Would Argue That The Violet Flavor Is The Worst Candy Ever Made
Would you go to a kids birthday party at 9.30am on a Saturday?
How are you staying in shape now that you are close to 40?
Who were your celebrity crushes as kids/teens that make you cringe now looking back?
I am not ashamed to admit it: I miss cable
What’s a very specific smell that immediately takes you back to your childhood?
What was your go to outfits in 2015?
Is there a female equivalent of the name ”Jeff” or ”Bob”?
Am I the only one who likes theese?
What's the first video game that you have ever played?
How do you all find mom friends?
How come no one is talking about how great your 30s are?
I get to go to Costco. Alone. That is all.
What is the most painful thing you’ve seen in a movie?
OC: Trump signs an executive order to dismantle the Education Department alongside children signing
Do your close friends tend to be younger or older than you?
What is an oddly specific and irrational fear that you have?
Top desk candy
Is there a younger generation word/term that you love, or don’t mind saying?
If you could only pick one soda to drink for the rest of your life, which are you picking? Be specific!
For the 35-45 crowd, what was your first CD purchase?