I've been watching a lot of their LPs side by side recently
If you were in KR Gavv, which Gochizos would you pick?
What's your favorite belts?
Does anyone else not like it when a series forces you to watch the movies or specials?
Need some suggestions on what I should do next. I did MC, secondary,Dark and Show. Should I do one for mc in this sub Reddit or something different?
Den O is our victor for show with best overall cast. Now, which KR show got the best fights?
Decided to not make story and plot as one category since many were confused. And like your guys choice,instead of a tie, Gaim is taking this spot himself.Now,which KR show got best looking suits?
New to Nighthaunt and looking for list building ideas
Updated Path to Glory Roster Sheets?
Did the show ever demonstrated what this part was used for?
Predictions for next reveal?
All the Soulblight reveals LVO
My Nighthaunt now have endless spells.
Where to go next?
How Acceptable is it for Batman to Kill The Joker?
does anyone have any theories as to why almost every princess feels cold before she’s taken by Her?
[No Spoilers] Would you want to see a party of antagonists?
[Spoilers C3E116] Level 20 Combat
[no spoilers] Critical role video game
How do you think the voices of StP and Disco Elysium would interact?
If you were to become one of the voices, which voice do you think you'd be ?(If none fits then Ig just make up one)
Models made of only putty?
What if the corporations offered the imperium of man some Armored Core Technology
What If The Imperium of Man had access to Armored Core Technology