fly high...
catching all the fish with the bamboo pole
Where does Haley get the bawls to call me out for secretly giving Abigail gifts, when I regretfully just gave her my blobfish on my way to smoke it. But then she’s playing grab ass with Alex while I’m out here hunting Easter eggs like a grown ass adult?
Wanna go to the movies?
Magic words to get the medical care that I need
When should I have sprinkles?
Stardew Costume Party and I’m clueless!!
Questions from some French students curious about New Zealand
Night Lights!!!
Vivid & Marker
I made the farm on Sims 4 :)
Bug infested Roasted Almonds
Does this bother anyone else?
What happens if you choose Joja Mart?
Just did my Reddit wrap
Should I start over?
A very young Bebe (Harriet Sansom Harris) playing an Irish barmaid on a season 1 episode of Law & Order, ca. 1990. She was 35. So, what's your favorite Bebe moment?
We’re Listening Frasier Podcast 200th Episode special next week
If there was ever to be a Stardew Valley movie, who would be your fan-cast?
Saw this on a different sub and thought it would work well here. My jar would be overflowing.
Justifying a Joja run?
How long did it take you to reach perfection? (In game years)
Had enough of recent negative mind bending posts.
Mum who gave birth on plane wanted to deliver at Te Matatini, hid labour from crew, claims family