I guess I maxed it out
Why people stiil get mad about getting free regular updates to a 16yo game because they aren't 6nether updates and 19caves and cliffs worth of content per drop. And still complain about every choice mojang makes with the development?
What soul trait would you have?
Thoughts? Ghast armor! (sorry for my horrible drawing skills)
"The duality of men"
There's also that other thing that didnt fit in the meme
He's back boys.
Why do they use 3 diferent symbols for multiplication?
I made a doom-nut fan fusion a doom-shoorm and wall nut fusion sorry I am not good at designing
How to Skip PvZ Fusion Niejo Level 10?
Potatocalipse tier S
Is this a good fusion
How do you counter these three guys?
every* pvz1 plant ranked by popularity.
Sunflower belongs in front of peashooter, change my mind
What's a popular anime you don't like?
Back again to post some random image.
Name a more iconic pose, i dare ya
Ask me anything, I'll reply as Chara.
Found while mining, this rare or nah?
Chara won! Who will be in the chart next?
Why is it not negative? is it some kind of overflow error?
I'm new to pokemon and i dont know what moves are best , im not competitive and my team is not negotiable so please be civil, what are the best moves for my leaf green playthrought for my team?
Something feels familiar