Name a level that doesn’t have these orb inputs I DARE YOU! (2 and 3 stars don’t count)
Wait, you're telling me I shouldn't have my entire deck in my hand? 😏😏
Snow Belle Fanart! Hope you like it <3
Inkable Dragon Fire
Universal SHIFT!!
This cant be real
So thanks to you guys, I have a better idea of what a ramp deck is and how it works. Now, if this is what I’m working with, which cards need to go?
Diablo Alter, This is the New Hot Bird
Weird creator decisions.
Found at my local Costco
Enchanted Basil pull!
Why is Adorabeezle Winterpop the only non-main-character that's a hero? Let me hear your conspiracies!
KrmaL's levels tier list (Gameplay isn't a factor because otherwise all of them would be at F tier)
I'm making a level with the worst gameplay, give me your terrible gameplay ideas and i might add them
What happened with card 26/204?
Four new Enchanted revealed!You came back, Baymax, The island I pulled from the sea and Sugar Rush speedway!
Magica Question?
My thoughts on this card it should just always quest for 2 lore.
Fake cards identifying