You know who this is about
You have a Choice
I know ur out there u dont wanna miss our honeymoon
And today's dumb take is...
Drawing the best PS1 girlies, which means Lammy! (original fanart)
is this game available anywhere else than playstation copies??
I will actually buy everyone in the comments a switch 2 (proof I have $40000)
Type"I’m" and let autocomplete finish it!
Is it just me or am I the only one who is put off by Parappa's PlayStation All Stars model
ai generated art in ayano’s house?
Why r/Osana..? (. .)
Official plush tease?
Good lord man make up your god damn mind about this stupid port
Thought I'd see if there were any recent updates...
Why is he so rude
Midori is Probably one of PedoDev's Victims and you can't change my mind
Would these 2 get along?
what did yall get?
Does anyone know where is this from? Is it actually true?
Best girl mention!best girl best girl
What if they met him
I showed the pilot to my friend and we noticed we had the exact same poses while watching this scene
Fellow boys, how often do you do this
come to meeeee
Would someone be so kind as to give me the Um jamer lammy ROM?