Seeking name feedback from namenerds in Italy
What type of person do you envision with the name Serafina?
How bad is Willemina?
Naomi pronounciation
What’s some unique C names?
What kind of vibe does the name Fabian give you?
How popular is Charlotte, really?
Names that yield a nickname Fi
If you're a teacher, childcare worker, or otherwise work with kids, what are the names you keep seeing over and over again?
What is ONE baby girl name that you absolutely love? Struggling coming up with a name for my baby, and I’m almost 6 months pregnant lol
I found out I'm having twins( boy and girl)and still haven't decided on the names
How do you pronounce Aurelia?
Anja/Anya or Louisa?
What's your favorite name beginning with an O?
Namenerd teachers, which names of students stuck out to you?
Just found out we’re having a boy and we had SO many girl names picked out
people with names with the opportunity for nicknames - is it annoying to correct people?
The downfall of Sarah
Nicknames for Elizabeth that fit me?
What 'dark horse' name is growing on you now despite not initially liking it?
what are your unusual grandparent or great-grandparent names?
Looking for names that play on my great grandmothers nickname…
Seeking girl names used in Italy now
What names do you think of when you think of New Jersey?
Names for nickname “Posie”