Spending all that time in training mode finally paying off!
Do you need to have tattoo experience to find an apprenticeship?
Soul Fighter Evelynn fan art (by me)
Feeling stuck in D2/replay review
Personal tier list of how fun characters are to fight against
Got my post removed cause the image needs to be ''from a link'' and i'm confused
Soul Fighter Evelynn (by me)
Soul Fighter Evelynn by me
I was so sure OD Flash Knuckle would kill so I panicked
Regardless of Mai being strong or not, do you enjoy playing against her?
Luckiest round ever
I think League is the hardest competitive game to learn I've ever played (except maybe Dota 2)
Modern Akumas when you play their own game
What the hell even happened here
Can someone write me the full monologue from this scene?
Really want to play but
What will be your weapon of choice if it is a one weapon run?
Rigorous Ed training starting to pay off
You guys said my last Lucy painting looked like Steve Buscemi, so I tried again
Since everyone is hyped about Mai I made an Ed fanart
This is wild... new main material!
MenaRD thinks removing drive rush makes SF6 a better game
STAR-LORD wins for THE DUMBASS. Day 6. Which character is THE ANNOYING ONE?
Quick Yelan portrait fan art
Hawkeye can't charge his passive on ulting Cloak & Dagger