Want new players to catch up? More casual players trying Siege? This is what you need to do com2us
I just can't get speed and atk vio grinds...
I Hope someone can relate
Easy Way to Fix R5, Everybody Wins - Please Read Com2Us
QoL suggestion - Auto Power up
Cant we have a thread for summons? Its getting on my nerves..
Some help with choice?
Lets not forget at who we are angry at.
The sub after this weeks episode
To no one's surprise, SeanB gets another most wanted ld5
Balance Patch - History Tool + Monstersearch Feature
I don't know what he is talking about, but the vid seems to fit here.
Pqp isso aqui é a musa do sub com certeza
How do u think this shit should be buffed
Feeding snakes in an ophidiarium
Pessoal, o que é isso saindo de dentro da carne?
2nd LD 5* after 3079 days (Julianne)
G3 Siege Situations 2v1 ZCC & AllStars
O que é esse símbolo vermelho no canto? Tenho dificuldade de enxergar e não estou entendendo os traços.
Ain’t no way A equals B
Why useless Awakenings still a thing...
F this Shi-ege! How to not tilt.
When you glue yourself to the road
Activistas climáticos se pegan la mano en el asfalto en señal de protesta en Francia y un policía resuelve el problema rápidamente.
SeanB got another LD5, employee conspiracy?
Collab events with no Collab scroll, riveting and captivating…