Barrack Hussein Obama is an Insane name to get elected with in 2008, that’s like if Dwight D Eisenhower was named Dwight Hitler McStalin
Since 1960, every time the Vice President/former VP sought their parties nomination, they got it. Except for Dan Quayle
An Official Message from Tony Hawk
Mashallah she has been socked
A Personal Take on Senator Schumer
I analyzed data on U.S. presidents to see who had the biggest impact. Here’s what I found!
Protesters arrested during peaceful walkout at Cornell University |
Honeyyy I'm home from the church store!!!
Is “Who Can Lift More Weight With Their Genitals?” The Consensus Worst Episode?
Final vote counts for the Illinois flag redesign
This was my first protest, I'm proud of the Southern Tier for standing up!
Very happy to have found this sub
Fargo has an election method that helps mainstream candidates. North Dakota lawmakers may ban it
That thing they were in maybe wasn’t the Best, but man they were GREAT in it
Exclusive | NYC politician funneled thousands of taxpayer dollars to her hubby’s organizations
Anyone have experience with this mask? Is it actually any good?
Why have Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell never made any bids for the White House?
Was Franklin Pierce’s 1855 midterm the closest the US came to a multiparty system?
Late presidents day post. My tierlist of presidents
Which President is the closest to Spongebob?
Chili Dog Recipe
That one time Nixon and Kissinger debated using a nuclear bomb in Vietnam - April 25, 1972
The Kazoo
Your void’s legal name vs. what you call them?
My Dad's Voting History (born 1960)