Blursed centaurs
Das KIT-Orakel
Todays carneval parade in Karlsruhe
cursed stew
I’d like to report a slaughter
CEO Elon Musk with former president Barack Obama, March 2015
Wenn Du eine Currywurst wärst,
Gardianum gegen Dämonen ist unfair
Taken between 1822-27, View from the Window at Le Gras is considered the first photograph ever taken.
Die Meister der Kochkunst..?
Saw this on r/kidsarefuckingstupid, it just felt wrong
Notification that popped up as my 7 yo screamed that she didn’t want to brush her teeth
Al'Anfa Stadtbeschreibung
When Albert Einstein died, his final words died with him. The nurse at his side didn't understand German.
Hilfe für eine Prüfung
That's what all Nordic people will say to you. Not only swedish.
maybe Maybe maybe
Imma take the blue pill and return to 2020
69 days left until Tears of the Kingdom
[deleted by user]
Pilot's Final Announcement Gets Emotional