How many Special Move Sources do you have?
Drop your max sp char
How many of you play this game casually to pretty much just collect cute characters?
2.1 - 2.2 Billion Event Point Breaks BBS
What do you want to see in the 10th anniversary
274 units done, 329 more to go
Premium characters
The secret true enemies
Karakura Battle Crown Summons: Queen and Lone Wolf Coming Soon !
How is this happening?
You can choose whoever you want with the Photo Print Round 1 Ticket!
When ? it’s a whole 10 years KLab
3K 3K Brave summon tickets
Guild Quest Week [March 10 - March 13] : Melee Shinigami
How are the top characters looking in your profile?
My goat is complete 🗣️
Finally , what a silly game
7th Anniversary Uryu
Me and the boys demand justice for this goat ، Resurrection + is a must
Flame and Verdant Summons: Thousand-Year Blood War
New Accessories
We rock with Masaki, but please Klab replace her already
Why does Shinji look so smol here tho?
Why is my glorious king upset?