As a socialist...
I'm a busy man Harry
Not sure I fully understand this one
EUR_irl living in interesting times
What have Estonia Czechia and Slovenia been doing the past 30 years to make them good considering they weren’t doing SO good then?
Socialism became a popular concept because it is a comfortable lie that draws in lowest common denominator voters who don't understand economics. The harsh truth is that we have completely unsustainable amounts of government spending.
The US Senate gives way too much influence to rural voters.
For the Socialists on this Sub
They know what I'm upto
Map of Syria – March 11, 2025
“When you’re on the ticket and you don’t win, that’s your responsibility” - Tim Walz taking more responsibility than most Dems
Aw hell naw my school selling trans ice cream
Female-Only Gym Owner Faces Backlash for Excluding Trans Women: What's you're opinion on this?
Forgot I had this masterpiece. 😭😭😭
Thoughts on PINOCHET
Even commies are starting to fear us 💪🔰
The dark horse that is Georgism will surpass us 😪
Unstable best friend having a baby
Socialism is doomed to fail
Just pick something doesn't matter
You can claim ONE province/state from ONE neighbouring country.
Have you lost friends because of your views and how did it go?