Painted my jungle Tau's R'varna
Got around to painting my R'varna, I suppose as a riptide proxy
[Art] Atsiru Khoma'Kai A Dawrat Sukuri, or just Makai; Miniature in comment. Art by ThemeFinland
Found in a box of old coins at a market in Malaysia, some sort of prayer coin?
Finished Tau Breachers a while ago, first time trying to do weathering; C&C welcome
Got around to finishing my Breachers and their Fireblade
Painted a Fireblade, first time doing a bit of a kitbash
Painted a Coldstar
I painted a Tau Coldstar, I don't really play, but I've some minis for my desk
[Art] Painted a mini of my characters, an Aarakokra samurai
Finished my first Warhammer minis, also the first actual bases I've done. CC is welcome
First Warhammer minis, A Pathfinder squad. Unfinished as I'm waiting on basing stuff for a jungle.
Got into painting miniatures recently, so far everything I've painted has been DnD characters [Art]