Whats wrong with my Wrio..!!!
Who What do u guys think of the idea of the traveler being able to use all weapon types
Why double standards when it comes to female characters in this game
Images that have the same energy
Regretting characters
Which is your “comfort city”?
Fellow 1.0 players, what do you think about the the current state of the game?
Missed this years bday cake :(
What was that about night soul?
Signora and the gang in her funeral
With Charlotte present in Natlan at the 5.5 event, she's now the first character to appear in all 6 nations (aside from the traveller)
Chicken Curry 🫰🏻
Pork and Beans, sa ilokano bitsuelas :) walang makuhanan na dahon ng ampalaya, pechay nalang
The very first DPS character to reach T0 on all 3 endgame gamemodes
Is this viable hyperbloom team if I invest properly?
The Crit Damage Food of Teyvat Infographic
It's the fourth chest that I'm leaving back due to this little "issue", THE FOURTH
I feel this is unappreciated, but I love how for each line of dialogue in this game, the camera angle changes. It gives way more personality to the game.
Kare Kare, ingat baka maubos ang kanin
We're due for Chapter V: Act VI
No more incomplete proficiency, I can autocook all recipes!
Nod krai is more mysterious than even natlan
A subtle update about Nod Krai on Jean’s birthday
Who makes the best event playthroughs?
Graduation game night