Drake the type of guy to have the button that destroy the world next to the button that makes him a fucking sandwich
Favourite song on mmlp
Drake the type of guy to fall to his death like this
kid doesn't know what age he has
Drake the type
This is just impressive
Drake the type of guy to say "I gotta go bad" on a diss track
Drake the type of guy to get out of ideas and say a curse word because he's cool
Question: who would win between Eminem and Packgod
This are some of the comments of a YT Short about who would win between Eminem and Packgod
Two young homophobic individuals
Why always the "SUSCRIBE FOR A COOKIE"
Say "im" and let autocomplete finish it.
Drake the type of guy to say "listen here pal" before fighting
Quisiera saber el contexto de esta madre
Which Tyler album has the best rapping on it
This is ur pov, what em song u playing?
Tell me your favorite Eminem album and I will give you a curse.